1940 Ford Cotswold Gray
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(Cotswold Gray : Ford : 1940 - 1956)
At we have records of this paint for over 16 years of use.

1940 paint by Ford with a promotional name of Cotswold Gray. This gray automotive paint color is most commonly known as Cotswold Gray. Another common paint color promotional name is Cornsilk Cream. The color formulation has been used between 1940 and 1956, primarily by Ford; but also by Mercury, Company Fleet Vehicles. See the full detailed list below.

The one Company/Organization with Fleet Vehicles using this color is: Borden.

The longer Ford paint manufacturing code is M3906 or M3906A. Ford production paint codes starting with M are usually followed by a 4 digit number and the letter "A" indicating its an exterior paint. For example, the same code ending in the letter "G" is common for accent paints. These longer manufacturing codes are useful for tracking paint usage.

Example of 1940 Ford Cotswold Gray
1940 Ford Cotswold Gray
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or See all paints named "Cotswold Gray" or "Cotswold"
See other Gray 1940 Ford paint shades
or See all Gray Ford paint shades which is cool, but could be a lot of information.

Usage list 1940 Ford Cotswold Gray paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
Cotswold Gray
Cotswold Gray
Cotswold Gray
1940FordCotswold Grayspring color
1940FordCotswold Grayspring color
1940FordCotswold Grayspring color
1940MercuryMercuryCotswold Grayspring color
1940MercuryMercuryCotswold Grayspring color
1940MercuryMercuryCotswold Grayspring color
1941FordCotswold GrayMercury only
1941FordCotswold GrayMercury only
1941FordCotswold GrayMercury only
1941MercuryMercuryCotswold Gray
1941MercuryMercuryCotswold Gray
1941MercuryMercuryCotswold Gray
1956FleetBordenCornsilk CreamBorden Detroit Mich
1956FleetBordenCornsilk CreamBorden Detroit Mich
1956FleetBordenCornsilk CreamBorden Detroit Mich

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